Mint ARC20

Mint ARC20 with Wizz Wallet extension. It's more than 10 times faster than running CLI on your computer!

  1. Open the Wizz Wallet extension and click on the "mint" button on the wallet's homepage. If you don't see the mint button, please upgrade your Wizz Wallet extension to version 2.0.6. Wizz Wallet is a self-hosted wallet, so make sure to securely store your mnemonic phrase after creating a new wallet. If you lose your mnemonic phrase, no one will be able to help you recover it.

  2. After clicking the "mint" button, a new tab will open in your browser, as shown in the image. In the input box under "ARC20," enter the amount of ARC20 you want to mint, for example, "sophon."

  3. In the "Threads" option, drag the circular block to set the number of threads for simultaneous calculation according to your needs. As shown in the image, drag it to the maximum of 12 threads. (The larger the number of threads, the shorter the time required for the minting process.)

  4. Click "Start" to begin the minting process. If you need another address to receive ARC20, you can check "Received By Other Address" and enter the wallet address where you want to receive the ARC20.

  5. The high-speed calculation will begin. Please do not close the window. After the calculation is complete, a confirmation pop-up will appear, requiring your signature. Complete the signature, broadcast the transaction, and the minting process will be complete. Wait for block confirmation, and once confirmed, you will receive the ARC20. If you click to expand the "Total" section, you can view the payment details in detail. Taking sophon as an example, the payment details include the amount of BTC (sophon: 100,000 sats) required to color this ARC20, commit fees, reveal fees, and Wizz's service fee. The first three are fees required for Atomicals' ARC20, and only the Wizz service fee is charged by the Wizz team. Currently, the minting function of Wizz Wallet is temporarily exempt from service fees. Click "Start" to begin the minting process. If you need another address to receive ARC20, you can check "Received By Other Address" and enter the wallet address where you want to receive ARC20.

Last updated