Mint Realm/SubRealm

Mint Realm

  1. Simply select the "Realm" tab to get started.

  1. Parameters:


All Realms start with a “+” by default, which is automatically added at the beginning. There's no need to enter it again during minting. The system supports characters in English, Chinese, emojis, and more.


During minting, PoW (Proof of Work) calculations are required, and bitwork defines the minting difficulty. Bitwork is in hexadecimal format, allowing input of 4 to 10 digits and two decimal places. The default value is 8888.

Sats in Realm:

Set the amount of BTC to be retained in the Realm, measured in satoshis (1 BTC = 1 * 10^8 sats). The default is 1000 sats.

Mint Args:

Preview the data on the chain.


Configure the minting transaction fee rate and the number of CPUs used for minting. It's generally recommended to use the default values.

Received By Other Address:

Set a different wallet address to receive the Realm. If not set, the current wallet address will be used.

Use Unconfirmed Assets:

Choose whether to use unconfirmed balances for minting. It is recommended for advanced users.

  1. After setting the parameters, click the "Mint" button to begin. Once the PoW calculation is complete, a pop-up window will appear, prompting you to send the minting transaction.

  1. Once the minting transaction is confirmed, the Realm will be credited to your account.

Mint SubRealm

  1. First, enter which SubRealm you want to mint under the selected Realm. Each Realm sets specific minting conditions when enabling a SubRealm (such as SubRealm naming format or bitwork difficulty requirements). For the former, you can use a third-party tool ( to translate regular expressions (Regex) into a more readable format for easier understanding.

  1. After selecting the Realm, enter the name of the SubRealm you want to mint and click the "Mint" button to start. Once the PoW calculation is complete, a pop-up window will appear, prompting you to send the minting transaction.

  2. Once the minting transaction is confirmed, if no additional payment is required, the SubRealm minting is successful. If ADDITIONAL payment is required, after the payment is completed, wait for 15 transaction confirmations to determine whether the minting was successful.

Enable SubRealm (For Realm holders)

If you want to allow users to mint a SubRealm under a specific Realm, you need to first perform the "Enable SubRealm" operation.

  1. After selecting "Enable SubRealm," you must add minting rules.

  2. The rules must include at least one of the following two options:

    1. SubRealm Naming Format and Minting Difficulty: The naming format is expressed using regular expressions, and you can use third-party tools ( to assist in writing them. The minting difficulty is divided into bitworkc and bitworkr. Generally, only bitworkc needs to be set.

    2. Set Payment Conditions: After initiating the minting transaction, if this option is not set, the user only needs to send the minting transaction to complete minting the SubRealm. However, if this option is set, the user must also pay a specified amount of ARC20 tokens to the project after sending the minting transaction for the mint to be successful. You can set the token receiving address, payment amount, and the ARC20 token to be used.

    3. Regular Expression (Regex) examples:

      • A string composed of numbers, 26 English letters, or underscores: ^[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,}$

      • Non-negative integers (positive integers + 0): ^\d+$

      • A string containing only Chinese characters, numbers, letters, and underscores, but cannot start or end with an underscore: ^(?!_)(?!.*?_$)[a-zA-Z0-9_\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$

Last updated